Dear Friends,
It has been several months since I posted anything. We certainly were not sitting around sipping tea and eating bon-bons. Actually, I am reminded of the scripture from Song of Solomon that talks about the "
little foxes that spoil the vines." Charlie and I have walked through a season where it seemed that those "little foxes" have been trying to steal the peace and joy of our lives.
My experience, however, is that spiritual fruit can grow much stronger in times of adversity, rather than in easy, smooth times. With that, Charlie and I should have a major crop in our lives this year!
His mother went in the hospital shortly after the first of the year and alternated between the hospital, rehab, and then hospice care until the first week of March when, at the age of 87 years old, she went home to be with the Lord. We spent much time going back and forth to see her, and Charlie spent time taking care of her finances and other issues of life that she was no longer able to take care for.
One day while I was at a doctor's appointment and he was at the hospital visiting her, and then taking care of her administrative work, 4 men broke into our house around noon, ransacked it, and stole about 25-30 items, including our computers.
Our garden is finally planted for the season, and something is eating the plants. What can we do to fortify and protect plants so that they will grow strong and bear fruit?
In the natural, there are pesticides that can be put on the plants, but we do not want to use poisons that are destructive to our health when we eat the fruit and vegetables. We are searching for natural recipes to mix and pour on the plants which will keep the grasshoppers, crickets and other bugs from eating the plants (and maybe even the rabbits), but will not be poisonous, causing harm to those who eat the fruit.
In the spiritual realm, what will protect the fruit? Honestly, I believe that praise, forgiveness and thanksgiving are the most potent protection agents there are. As we have walked through this season, I find myself pressing into the Lord with worship and thanksgiving. He is still God.
When Charlie called me and told me that our home had been broken into, my heart quickly began to praise and thank the Lord that we did not walk in on those men while they were in our home. If Charlie had come home with them in the house, we agreed that he probably would have done something stupid...maybe a better word is UNWISE. Those men walked out of the house with one of his rifles in their hands. Had I come home with 4 lawless men in the house, I don't know what I would have done.
Every man is born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23). Knowing that truth in our hearts, we cannot help but forgive others for their sin because God has forgiven us. And we will only be forgiven if we forgive others (Matthew 6:12, 14-15
Forgive us our sins AS WE forgive others.) We repeat that prayer often in church, but living it in our hearts helps us to guard our hearts from evil.
I have considered that those men breaking into our home might have been the only way they would get prayer for the salvation of their souls. There might not be another person in the world praying for them. We are praying for their salvation, and that their lives with change.
If we know in our hearts that God is sovereign and that He has promised
to turn everything for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28), then when trials come, we call on Him to use those very situations for our good and for His glory. His promises are true and He cannot lie. He will do what He said.
So, Charlie and I wait for Him to redeem all things in our lives. That does not mean that I expect a return of money. MUCH MORE, I want prosperity of soul. My deepest desire is to serve Him with a pure heart and to glorify Him in my attitudes and heart desires.
Losing things in the natural has caused me to take spiritual inventory. What is important to me? Do I value things of the world, the material "stuff" I own? Is there anything I own that I would not be able to live without?
My answer is RELATIONSHIPS are the most valuable thing in my life. First, my relationship with God. He promises to never leave or abandon me. I can NEVER be separated from His love (Romans 8:38-39...
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God whichc is in Christ Jesus our Lord.) What a powerful promise. And the presence of God is LIFE! Nothing I own can compete with that. And because my relationship with Him is the most valuable thing in my life, I want to please Him in everything I say, think or do.
Then there is my relationship with my husband (of almost 43 years!), my children and grandchildren, family and friends. The only thing that can separate us is if you do not have eternal life which comes by faith in Jesus Christ. So, I spend much time praying for my friends and family who have not surrendered their life to Jesus Christ and are even now separated from His love. I pray their hearts will be filled with His love and His Spirit. I want to spend eternity with each of you, together enjoying and serving Him.
So, is there a place in your life where the enemy, the pests, the little foxes are trying to come against you and steal the fruit of your life...the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, goodness or faithfulness? With me, will your turn your heart toward the lover of your soul, and praise and thank Him for all He has done for us, for His promises, for His faithfulness, for His protection and provision and above all for His amazing love, grace and forgiveness? With praises lifted up, I suspect the enemy will not be able to hang around long.
The last, but very important thing, is that as I consider the temporal things of life, I realize that many people in the world live in places where they live in fear of lawlessness, where people steal, kill, abuse, rape, even own other people. I think of those who are helpless and who do not have protection from the law...women, children and those who are weak and frail. Many never dream of owning a house, much less having insurance or computers. Their concerns are basic - for their life, food, water, clothes, and perhaps a blanket to keep warm on cold nights.
I heard last week about even entire villages of people who are not considered to be
"people." They have no birth certificates, no record or knowledge of their birth date, cannot vote, do not have a voice, have no rights, no protection in their nation...and
are considered less valuable then even the animals in the nation. As we consider lives in America, let us not ignore or forget those millions of people in the world who are destitute, fearful and living without the basics of life.
I pray they will have spiritual life. Many of these people have come to know Jesus, and now, for the first time in their lives have an identity. They weep over the idea that God knew them before they were born, loved them, and had a purpose for their lives. WOW. May we boldly share others with in the world about that love and destiny.