In 1892, these words, so familiar to Americans, were written into what is today called the “pledge of allegiance” to the flag of the United States of America. The author was a Baptist pastor named Francis Bellamy. Interestingly enough, the words “under God” were not added until more than half a century later, in 1954
This pledge was written after the Civil War in which we were a radically divided nation whose citizens went to war against each other. The pledge focused on the concept of a “republic.” I will not take time here to delineate between a “republic” and a “democracy” though the differences are critically important. Yet, the principle written in these words is not an earthly governmental concept, but is a spiritual Kingdom-of-God truth.
God has been building into my life in practical ways, the perspective of His church being “one body” and “one head.”
We hear much to day about “identity.” As God is bringing us into a greater understanding of our identity in Him, we must have revelation of our corporate identity in the Body of Christ. If we focus only on our individual identity without understanding the strategic view of where and how we are linked into Him and into each other, we have only a partial and sometimes fragmented view. God clearly shows us that we are part of something far greater than we have yet understood.
For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.(2)
• And (God) put all things under His feet, and gave (Christ) to be head over all things to the church, which is His body…”(3).
• We are “fitted together” as stones of a building (4) , and together are a dwelling place for God’s Spirit (5).
• God instructs us to be of “one mind” having compassion for one another (6) and tells us to guard, to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (7).
How can this be practical in our lives? Is that even possible? God has given us a picture of how He sees His children, living and functioning under God, the head, and truly indivisible. But is that more than a concept for our minds and theology, or is it something we can apply to our daily lives?
God will not tell us His will and His plan without giving us the ability, the grace and power to walk in His Word.
Our earthly concept is that there are many Christian churches and many denominations in many states and nations. We readily acknowledge the theologies and beliefs that divide us. But God says there is only ONE body, ONE Church. We are not a pile of body parts which is a mutilated body with no life. We are connected, and we are to keep our focus on the head, Jesus Christ, who gives us life. If we are willing to grasp that the Body of Christ is truly one and not fragmented parts, it will change how we think, how we pray and how we treat other Christians.
Recently, the husband of a friend was critically ill. As I spent time with my friend, I found myself praying for her as though it was me. The Lord brought to mind His instructions to
remember prisoners as if you were in prison with them; and remember those suffering ill-treatment, for you yourselves are still in the body (8). That told me that I was to live as though I were in her situation. I experienced, in a deeper way, the amazing supernatural work of unity and oneness that the Holy Spirit brings into our hearts.
However, a few days later, the Lord said that until I prayed for her husband as if it were my husband who was in the hospital in a coma, I was not praying effectively. The thing that broke my heart was that after the Lord said that, my prayers did change. I began praying with a deeper urgency and crying out to God desperately for his life. I realized I had been praying for her husband as if we were separated, not as if we were one body. The Lord shifted my understanding and my heart, which changed my actions. God's instructions for us to
bear one another’s burdens, and so
fulfill the law of Christ (9) is practical rather than theological.
It is time for us as Christians to grasp the concept of only one Body of Christ and begin to live with His love for one another. As we do, we will find our prayers expanding for people that we have never met in nations we have rarely if ever heard of. We will feel compassion that is beyond us. And we will begin to walk in deeper unity and love that will demonstrate to the world that we are His disciples
Unity is a principle of the Kingdom of God. The world cannot duplicate it, so will present a counterfeit based on tolerance and void of Truth. Without being “under God” we can only have a distorted understanding of unity. But with the Lord's wisdom and His leading, we can grasp the reality of being one body under and connected to one God, and we can move into a new dimension of life in His Spirit.
In the days ahead, I pray we will understand this truth and walk in it in practical ways, treating each other with the unprejudiced and undivided love and care Jesus demonstrated.
(2) Romans 12:4-5
(3) Ephesians 1:22-23
(4) Ephesians 2:21, 1Peter 2:5
(5) Ephesians 2:22
(6) 1 Peter 3:8
(7) Ephesians 4:3
(8) Hebrews 13:3
(9) Galatians 6:2
(10)John 13:32