Friday, September 24, 2010


Our garden did not do very well this year. It was very hot too early and with little or no rain, the plants dried up. What didn’t dry up, the raccoons and rabbits ate. Guess they didn’t see the “animals keep out” sign I posted. They even ate the watermelons which made me very, very sad. Actually they only ate HALF of each watermelon, which made me mad. Even the okra didn’t produce this year and okra normally does great in hot weather.

However, we did have plants called “volunteers.” Some of the plants that grow the best are those that just seem to appear. I don’t know how they got planted in the garden…whether a bird dropped a seed, a seed from last year germinated, or one of those animals deposited the seeds. But, what I do know is that volunteers are a surprise to me when they come up. They are unexpected, but always delightful and appreciated.

I think that is true in my own spiritual life. There are those attributes that I constantly work on, and some that I seem to excel in NOT being able to grow…such as self control and patience. I work and work at growing in those areas, and the more I work at them, the more elusive they seem to get. But about the time I get discouraged, I find myself in a difficult situation and am surprised at the peace or the gentleness or the kindness that comes out of my life or out of my mouth. And when it does, I am very aware that it has little to do with me and everything to do with the One who works good things into my life…even and maybe especially…when I am not looking.

So I wonder why I strive at developing the fruit of patience and self control. Perhaps I should simply trust that the One who is completely patient and is almighty can do the impossible…which I cannot do. And believe that he wants to do the impossible in me! Maybe I will just rest in Him and let Him grow those amazing serendipities in my life. Then He gets all the credit and glory and I get peace and joy. Maybe I’ll try more trust this week and watch for the “volunteers” to grow.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and your analogies with your garden. God speaks to me through my backyard too. We have ducks who visit each year and think our pool is their pond. God has used the ducks to remind me He will cover us with His feathers.
