Friday, July 24, 2009 inevitable

I met with a friend this week who had just "gotten organized" and she said she could not find anything. I had to laugh as I had just been to Walmart where they had recently remodeled and I could not find what I needed. Most of the store had been rearranged. I wanted to say, "Why don't you just leave things alone?" There are times when I resist change...and then I wonder why.

Change is important, but not just for change sake. Things that do not change, other than God, are mostly things that are dead. Life requires change, at least on this earth. We are told that God does not change (Hebrews 13:8), and that means that His character does not change. He is who He says He is and His promises are reliable. But, because He is already perfect, is not "created" and is not of this world, He does not need to change. Yet, even when Jesus walked on this earth, He was born as a baby and His body had to grow up and his mind grew as he learned. I cannot think of anything in this world that is alive, that does not either grow stronger or decay - both of which are a process.

When I think about the subtlety of my desire to keep things the way they are, it is usually self-focused. Sometimes, we resistance change because we are living happily and comfortably and don't want that to go away. We don't want the inconvenience of having to start over and learn new things. We want to superglue life to this moment and keep things as they are...happy, carefree, non-challenging, having enough, and with no problems. This is usually rooted in self-desire, and sometimes in fear of what change might bring. Then there are those times when things are not that good, but we cling to familiar patterns of life because to change means taking a risk. This is often rooted in fear of the unknown.

Often when we DO want things to change, again, it is for our own comfort. We vote for one political party, hoping they will fix things in the nation to make life better for us. If they don't, then we vote for the other party, expecting them to make the changes that will be to our benefit. These kinds of changes are more like pendulum swings. But neither people, governments or institutions can "fix" things for us. Even "the church" or the pastor cannot fix things and make our lives better. Even closer to home, our spouse, family or friends cannot make all things right for us.

So, as we are living beings, there must be change. And the greater issue is not just IF our lives are changing, but HOW our lives are changing and in what direction. If God is in control of our lives, we do not have to fear, no matter what the change looks like or how it comes. (I encourage you to read Christie's latest blog on Pop Rocks for Breakfast, "When Life Hands You Lemons," which gives great insight into dealing with change that is not what we would choose!)

Last year, as I went through treatment for cancer, my life changed in many ways. I will never be the same again. Physically, I am changed...including the loss of body parts and the exchange of my long wavy hair for this new VERY CURLY and thick lamb-like covering, which requires work and new creativity. But that is minuscule in the theme of life. The big changes occurred within me, as I faced challenge, came to deeper places of repentance and surrender, and grew in trust and faith in God. I grew in compassion for people and situations where before, I was totally ignorant and often insensitive. I discovered that when we face difficult circumstances, God will use them to change us to be more like Him and to give us His heart and His perspective. I have learned... no, I am in the process of learning...not to "shrink back" and not to fear even the worse of situations, because He has the ability to make even the most difficult of things become the best of things.

Since 1970, and that amazing night when I asked Jesus to come into my life and take over, I began a lifestyle of change. I became like the caterpillar, being transformed into a butterfly. This process of transformation, called "change" is between me and God. It stems from my relationship with Him and my desire to be more like Him and less like "me." There are days when I seem to take a step backwards, but because of God's amazing grace, most change is in the right direction. I find that those "backwards steps" are most often God showing me what is in my heart that needs to be dealt with. There are days when I think I have taken a giant step forward...until I look back and see the long process that has led up to that moment.

Today I pray that "change" will be a word that you embrace. If you have problems with the word "change," then ask the Lord for "transformation." We can change from being like a wolf and still not be a lamb, but we want divine transformation. We want to be "becoming" all he intends for us to be.

I also pray that you will have the discernment to embrace change that will deny your self-nature and make you more like Him. It takes wisdom to know the difference. But He has said that when we ask for wisdom, He will give it to us liberally (James 1:5).

A little hint...if something is pushing you and causing you to feel stressed, rushed, overwhelmed and to panic, that is not from God. If you feel condemned and worthless, that is not God. If you are being encouraged to compromise and to keep in your comfort zone, be careful and ask God for wisdom. It most likely is not His guidance.

God guides with conviction - which is not the same as condemnation. Conviction is filled with hope, because He shows us what needs to change and He gives us assurance that He will do the work in us by His Holy Spirit. God guides us with peace. He is not in a rush, as He controls eternity. He is patient and will never abandon His children nor leave us to do things in our own strength. He will not lead us to "self-help" determination, but will lead us to confession, surrender and reliance on Him. He is the only One who can change hearts.

May this day, and each coming day, be a valuable part of the process of transformation in our lives. May we give Him our old nature, our rights, our human desires and receive His nature, His leading, and His amazing and "exceedingly abundant" plan for our lives. This is His divine ex-CHANGE program!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Don't give up...

Yesterday morning I worked in the garden. I watered the plants, picked vegetables and pulled weeds, preparing a section of the garden for fall tomatoes which are to be planted soon. We have an abundant crop of okra. We also have about 10 watermelons and several cantaloupe growing, which is especially exciting for me as one of my favorite foods is watermelon.

I also picked cucumbers. This year, I planted lots of cucumber seeds and started plants early. None of those plants survived. I also bought some plants, but they were all eaten by grasshoppers. The plants that did survive and are growing and producing fruit, are plants that were given to Charlie by the owner of our local feed and seed store. The plants were wilted and looked almost dead, so they were set out to be thrown away. Charlie asked if he could have them. He brought them home, used some "root stimulator" and then planted them in the soil. After only a few days, they begin to revive and grow. Now they are bearing cucumbers that we are enjoying eating.

Those cucumbers reminded me of how often we judge situations or people by what we think we see or by how things look on the outside. They, like the cucumber plants, may look wilted or dead, so we give up on them, set them apart from the rest, ignore them and accept death. You may have experienced that yourself at sometime. We don't stop to consider their "roots." If the roots are still alive, then the plant can survive. We may forget about them because we do not see growth, and they die because they are not given the help or attention they need.

Often, growth comes to those who persevere and don't give up. If you see a person who is not growing spiritually or producing fruit in their lives (Galatians 5:22-23), consider stepping up to the challenge of encouraging that person. Encouragement is amazing "root stimulator." When someone is discouraged or has given up hope, often what they need is a person who will believe in them or believe God with them. Reminding someone of God's love for them and His faithfulness can help them to continue going forward. Sometimes perseverance means simply to "take the next step." Actually, we all persevere one step at a time. Encourage them to do what they can do, no matter how small it may seem at the time. Even the simple touches of love and caring can revive hope. Being a friend and giving a word of try and love at a desperate time of their lives can change the direction of their thoughts, emotions and eventually their actions (Galatians 6:9-10).

When things appear to be dead or dormant, examine them closely. This may apply to your spiritual life, visions, dreams or goals you have set. If you are not seeing growth or reaping a harvest from something you believed God called you to do, don't quickly discard it as something that was not for you, was not real, or that you simply missed. Don't give up. Examine the roots to see if they are of God and His will.

How do we do that? We go back to when that "seed" was planted in our lives. Consider where the idea came from. Was it from God, or was it just your good idea? Pray over it and ask the Lord to reconfirm if it was something He wanted for your life. He will answer that prayer and show you, because He wants you to do the things that are His good idea.

Even if a dream or vision has died, God is the God of resurrection. If something was birthed in Him, then I have doubts that it can actually die. If it was birthed in the Kingdom and heart of God, there is no death. We just can't see the life manifested here on earth if we are looking with our physical eyes or using human reasoning or perspective. His vision can see the roots and the life.

If your dreams, visions and goals are from God, use some spiritual "root stimulator" by reading the Word, seeking the Lord and by sharing with a friend you know will encourage you. Put yourself in a place where the Spirit of God is active and moving, and allow Him to revive your spirit. Do not give up on things God has given to you. If it is a work of your own making or reasoning, then it might be advantageous to let it die. But if the work, dream, relationship, vision, activity, ability is from God, He will resurrect it and help you to persevere and cultivate life.

Things are not always as they appear to be. Remember my story of the onions? God doesn't want us to settle for the "surface vision" and He will help us to grow in perseverance, patience and endurance. He wants us to be people who will not give up but who are courageous and will persevere in Life, no matter what the situations appear to be. God wants us to trust Him and grow deep in Him so we can have spiritual vision which involves walking in wisdom.

Charlie reminded me of when we owned an 18-acre piece of land west of Austin, Texas. Someone set our property on fire. They drove down the road, throwing out matchbooks that were lit, and setting fires for several miles outside of town. The firemen thought they had put the fire out on our property, but it was still kindling in the undergrowth and moved through our property burning grass, plants, a few trees and our barn. Shortly after the fire, we received a call from a local realtor saying he would be glad to "take the land off our hands." Charlie, being a man of wisdom and discernment, laughed, thanked the realtor for his "generosity," but said the land was not for sale. What actually happened was that the fire burned off the brush, sticky vines and weeds - those things that needed to be cleaned out. After the fire, for several weeks all we could see was ashes, and black ground, burned and charred. It looked terrible. However, after a few weeks, the grass and plants began to grow again. The fire had actually put nutrients into the land and the plants and grass grew back, thick and plush. It was beautiful. Other than the barn and two large trees, the fire did more improvement than it did damage.

Do not give up on those things that seem dormant, dying or even damaged beyond repair. Take time to look deeper. Examine the roots if possible. Stimulate the growth and then wait and see what happens. You may be surprised at the new life and the abundant harvest that comes.

I pray that this day each of us will see with God's vision - a vision of Life and possibilities. He sees potential in each of us - potential that He created in us. Even when we were "dead in our sins," God knew what amazing things we could do with His help. He knew what we could become, through the power of His Spirit. He knows there is no situation that He cannot use for our good (Romans 8:28) and His glory. He sees with eyes of wisdom and spiritual insight. I pray that He will give us the ability to see people and situations as He does, and that His Spirit will urge us not to give up. I pray we will have the courage and ability to walk in such a way that we bring hope, love and encouragement into even the most challenging of situations. Then as a result, may we see the fruit and experience the blessings He gives to those to persevere (2 Timothy 2:12).

Thursday, July 9, 2009


There is a word God has been working into my heart. It is one of those words I have overlooked in the scriptures. The word is "nevertheless." I recently read an article that highlighted the word, and now as I meditate on it, I find it is motivating me to action. It is an exciting word as I consider what it means.

Noah Webster defines "nevertheless" as, not the less, notwithstanding, that is in opposition to anything, or without regarding it. It means to press ahead without regard to the circumstances, to proceed without being prevented. it is a transition word that indicates that the previous circumstances are negated through action.

In the scriptures we read, And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David, saying" You shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame will repel you," thinking, "David cannot come in here." Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion - that is, the City of David (2 Samuel 5:6-7).

Look at what this word links together. On the one side is the enemy telling King David that he cannot come to Zion, that he is so weak that even the blind and the lame are stronger. Nevertheless, David was not stopped by the intimidation of the enemy or the situation. He was not prevented from taking Jerusalem. On the otherside, he pressed ahead to victory and took the stronghold from the enemy.

What challenge are you facing? Has the enemy convinced you there is no solution to a problem in your life? Are you discouraged, intimidated, worried, anxious or fearful? Is there a situation you are weary of dealing with or battling? Do you believe you have come up against something you cannot conquer or penetrate?

For your situation, there is a nevertheless for you. There is a way for you to press ahead without being prevented.

I am reminded that buffalo turn into a storm and face it rather than turn away from it, and they begin to press into the wind. They go against the storm, and they actually get through the storm twice as fast that way, because they are moving in opposition to it.

Our human tendency is often to run from difficult situation, to stand still, to hide, or even go backwards to try to avoid challenges. We wring our hands, withdraw from God and from fellowship and let our circumstances weigh us down and steal our peace, joy and confidence. We don't ignore our deny our difficulties, but we get to the nevertheless because God's will is for us to have victory, even in the midst of our circumstances. He has called us to be over comers (Romans 8:37). He has made that possible because of His power that is in us (2 John 4:4).

God has no problems. He is almighty and all powerful, and His power lives in us through the person of the indwelling Holy Spirit. When we face a challenge, we go to Him and He always has a solution. He has to work every situation for our good (Romans 8:38), just because we are His children.

I encourage you to have hope and not give up. Turn into the storm and press ahead. Some of the greatest tools God has given us to help us get to the other side of our situation, are gratitude, praise and thanksgiving. Instead of seeing how big the storm is, look at God and rejoice in how BIG He is. He is God. His name is above all names. There is nothing bigger or more powerful. Put your faith in the Creator and not in the storm. That in itself will decrease the power of the situation in your life - as you recognize it for what it is and see God for Who He is. Trust God to bring you through the situation and then put action to your faith. Then your testimony will be, "I have faced a storm. Nevertheless...I am walking in victory."

Friday, July 3, 2009

About two weeks ago, Charlie told me he thought it was time to pull all the onions in the garden. So, I went out to “pull them” and actually had to dig them up. I dug down several inches and found what I thought was a good number of onions which I brought in, cleaned and put in the refrigerator.

A few days later, Charlie began digging up the ground where the onions had been so we could plant something else. He dug 10-12 inches into the ground, and found 3-4 times as many onions as I found. I was surprised I had missed so many.

The Lord began reminding me how easy it is for us to settle for shallowness. Even in reading God’s Word, we can stop with what seems to be the obvious meaning. If we take the scripture at surface value, it can still be powerful and apply to our lives. However, as with the onions, there is a depth to the Word of God that only comes when we “dig deeper.” I am not talking about reading something into the Word that is not there, but am referring to deeper revelation and understanding of the character and ways of God that He wants to give to us.

Twenty years ago a friend prayed that I would have “holy curiosity” for the Word. That prayer has been answered in abundance in my life. I find myself asking questions like, “God, why did you put the scripture about the Word of God being a two-edged sword right in the middle of the scriptures on rest (Hebrews 4)? And what is important about a two-edged sword?" "Who were you talking to when you said, ‘You will do greater things that I do because I go to the Father. ‘ Does that include me? If so, show me what that means to my life and how I am to walk in it." "Why do you say in one place that women should not speak in church, when only a few chapters before you tell the women to cover their heads when they pray and prophesy in church?" "What was it about Jesus that people left absolutely everything and followed Him? What is it that we, much of the American Church, are missing that we have not ‘left all’ to totally surrender to Jesus?”

I also get focused on little words like “all.” I wonder what God means when He says we can be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19), or when He says “…having done all, to stand…" What is the “all” I am to do?

I am not talking about spending hours studying the Word, although I love to do that in those rare times when I can. I never had that much time when my children were at home or when I was working. But I did learn that there are ways to go deeper, even when busy. My favorite is to write a scripture on a 3 X 5 card (because I am not a high tech person who can put it on my phone and carry that with me - not that any of those kinds of things were available when I had children at home!) Then when I am driving, standing in line, eating lunch or just taking a quick break, I can pull out the card, read and even memorize that scripture and let it go over and over in my mind. That is meditating on the Word…sort of like a cow chewing its cud! It brings spiritual nourishment to our lives and deeper understanding.

So, I pray that the Lord will give you a holy curiosity, and that you will begin to "dig deeper" into the Word of God, and find the truths that are planted deep. You will be amazed at the revelation He will bring.