I met with a friend this week who had just "gotten organized" and she said she could not find anything. I had to laugh as I had just been to Walmart where they had recently remodeled and I could not find what I needed. Most of the store had been rearranged. I wanted to say, "Why don't you just leave things alone?" There are times when I resist change...and then I wonder why.
Change is important, but not just for change sake. Things that do not change, other than God, are mostly things that are dead. Life requires change, at least on this earth. We are told that God does not change (Hebrews 13:8), and that means that His character does not change. He is who He says He is and His promises are reliable. But, because He is already perfect, is not "created" and is not of this world, He does not need to change. Yet, even when Jesus walked on this earth, He was born as a baby and His body had to grow up and his mind grew as he learned. I cannot think of anything in this world that is alive, that does not either grow stronger or decay - both of which are a process.
When I think about the subtlety of my desire to keep things the way they are, it is usually self-focused. Sometimes, we resistance change because we are living happily and comfortably and don't want that to go away. We don't want the inconvenience of having to start over and learn new things. We want to superglue life to this moment and keep things as they are...happy, carefree, non-challenging, having enough, and with no problems. This is usually rooted in self-desire, and sometimes in fear of what change might bring. Then there are those times when things are not that good, but we cling to familiar patterns of life because to change means taking a risk. This is often rooted in fear of the unknown.
Often when we DO want things to change, again, it is for our own comfort. We vote for one political party, hoping they will fix things in the nation to make life better for us. If they don't, then we vote for the other party, expecting them to make the changes that will be to our benefit. These kinds of changes are more like pendulum swings. But neither people, governments or institutions can "fix" things for us. Even "the church" or the pastor cannot fix things and make our lives better. Even closer to home, our spouse, family or friends cannot make all things right for us.
So, as we are living beings, there must be change. And the greater issue is not just IF our lives are changing, but HOW our lives are changing and in what direction. If God is in control of our lives, we do not have to fear, no matter what the change looks like or how it comes. (I encourage you to read Christie's latest blog on Pop Rocks for Breakfast, "When Life Hands You Lemons," which gives great insight into dealing with change that is not what we would choose!)
Last year, as I went through treatment for cancer, my life changed in many ways. I will never be the same again. Physically, I am changed...including the loss of body parts and the exchange of my long wavy hair for this new VERY CURLY and thick lamb-like covering, which requires work and new creativity. But that is minuscule in the theme of life. The big changes occurred within me, as I faced challenge, came to deeper places of repentance and surrender, and grew in trust and faith in God. I grew in compassion for people and situations where before, I was totally ignorant and often insensitive. I discovered that when we face difficult circumstances, God will use them to change us to be more like Him and to give us His heart and His perspective. I have learned... no, I am in the process of learning...not to "shrink back" and not to fear even the worse of situations, because He has the ability to make even the most difficult of things become the best of things.
Since 1970, and that amazing night when I asked Jesus to come into my life and take over, I began a lifestyle of change. I became like the caterpillar, being transformed into a butterfly. This process of transformation, called "change" is between me and God. It stems from my relationship with Him and my desire to be more like Him and less like "me." There are days when I seem to take a step backwards, but because of God's amazing grace, most change is in the right direction. I find that those "backwards steps" are most often God showing me what is in my heart that needs to be dealt with. There are days when I think I have taken a giant step forward...until I look back and see the long process that has led up to that moment.
Today I pray that "change" will be a word that you embrace. If you have problems with the word "change," then ask the Lord for "transformation." We can change from being like a wolf and still not be a lamb, but we want divine transformation. We want to be "becoming" all he intends for us to be.
I also pray that you will have the discernment to embrace change that will deny your self-nature and make you more like Him. It takes wisdom to know the difference. But He has said that when we ask for wisdom, He will give it to us liberally (James 1:5).
A little hint...if something is pushing you and causing you to feel stressed, rushed, overwhelmed and to panic, that is not from God. If you feel condemned and worthless, that is not God. If you are being encouraged to compromise and to keep in your comfort zone, be careful and ask God for wisdom. It most likely is not His guidance.
God guides with conviction - which is not the same as condemnation. Conviction is filled with hope, because He shows us what needs to change and He gives us assurance that He will do the work in us by His Holy Spirit. God guides us with peace. He is not in a rush, as He controls eternity. He is patient and will never abandon His children nor leave us to do things in our own strength. He will not lead us to "self-help" determination, but will lead us to confession, surrender and reliance on Him. He is the only One who can change hearts.
May this day, and each coming day, be a valuable part of the process of transformation in our lives. May we give Him our old nature, our rights, our human desires and receive His nature, His leading, and His amazing and "exceedingly abundant" plan for our lives. This is His divine ex-CHANGE program!
19 Days
10 years ago
It's funny how I used to long for continual change when I was younger -- if things were the same for too long, I got bored. And now, I loathe change. I eat at the same places, order the same thing, park in the same spot. I am a creature of habit. And on many days, I've lost that desire for God to change me. But He does, and he stirs up discomfort to remind me that growth and change in Him are good -- you're right, it's a reminder that we're alive.
ReplyDelete(I still hate that the Walmart is changing everything...!)
Okay...I've "gotten organized" and I'm out from under some of my piles of stuff, now a week or two later I'm still struggling to get my bearings.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I wonder in the midst of my befuddlement and confusion if God isn't pushing me out of the familiar in order to invite me to really seek and see things anew? I wonder if He isn't disrupting the mundane causing me to see with new eyes, causing me to dig for the treasures buried in the darkness and riches hidden in secret places?
It seems I regularly get flustered when He disturbs my zone of comfort. However when I settle down and reset my focus I invariably find treasures from Him that I might not have seen otherwise. And that's worth it all.
BTW: I really didn't intend to use this comment as reference the title to my blog, but in case anyone is interested the URL is: http://dancingonmyknees.wordpress.com. ;)