Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The "detour of adversity"

I have discovered that I learn much and grow spiritually during difficult times of life. Trials, rather than times of ease, give me a more honest assessment of myself and of my life. When things are going smoothly, I can wrongly think I am “spiritual” and that I am living a Godly life. However, during challenges, my true nature surfaces, and I see how far I have to go and how much work needs to be done in my life so I can live reflecting His character.

In my perspective, this relates to gardening. Gardening is hard work. Gardens don’t just happen. The ground becomes hard and has to be worked often. It takes plowing and tilling the ground, weeding, and much other preparation so that the ground will be softened and useful for planting and growing.

The trials of life help to soften the hard ground of my heart. Sometimes it is my own trials, and sometimes it is hearing about what others are dealing with that God uses to bring my heart into a deeper place of humility and dependence on Him.

I recently received a Christmas letter from a distant relative I have not seen since childhood. When she was very young, she was diagnosed with diabetes and had to begin to give herself shots when she was in grade school. In early adulthood, she lost her sight, becoming totally blind. There have been numerous challenges in her life as a result of this disease, but through them I have only heard her speak of the glorious things God has done.

Her letter this year brought some amazing insights that I would like to share with you. She began with her reasons for celebrating this year…because of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. As she talked about the challenges her family has faced this year, she shared each blessing that resulted.

She wrote, “And as for me this year, I couldn’t ask for more! However, it certainly began with a challenge when I lost my second leg. It was a long, hard pull to get back up on my feet; however, with physical therapy and a good prostheticist I made it! That was hard work through the spring, and as a result, I have cut my case load back to a hand full. I am working far less and enjoying it more and am still having time for other important things like people! I have asked the Lord for a long time to please deliver me from the tyranny of the urgent and to release me to attend to the significant in my life. It has really amazed me to watch how He has brought the answer to that prayer to me!

…The Thanksgiving holiday brought an interruption I wasn’t counting on. It was a slight heart attack that left me with very little heart damage, but obviously compromised my pair of struggling kidneys! That will probably turn into another challenge after the first of the year, but my dad always said, ‘What is life without a challenge?’ Sometimes the challenges in our lives have a tendency to define us, but I think that it is how we approach them and move through them that really defines our life and certainly defines our relationship with God! I feel the same way about adversity. Beth Moore in her teaching on Esther said that if we put all of our trust in the Lord, He can turn a detour of adversity in our life into a highway of destiny. That’s powerful!”

Powerful. What is powerful? It is the confident attitude of trust that no matter what comes our way, God continually loves us, and He can use the situation for our good and to fulfill His plans…His destiny…for our lives. It is focusing on God and giving thanks, even in the most overwhelming and challenging of situations.

I considered going through breast cancer as a challenge. In early January, 2008, I was diagnosed with cancer and was pronounced cancer free 18 months later. Only a year and a half. It brought a few permanent changes to my life, of which I have been able to adjust. Yet, this precious lady has learned, through an entire lifetime of over half a century, that God uses what looks, on the outside, like impossible circumstances to bring about answers to our prayers. Yes, that is powerful!

Perhaps this will humble you as it has humbled me. As I face the New Year, my desire is to walk in more humility and with a softened heart that is always full of gratitude and trust, no matter what the circumstances. I pray that you will be challenged to walk a deeper walk with Him this year also. May God change our perspectives to see as He sees, and may we receive all that comes our way as an opportunity for God to be glorified and to show us His great love and His continual faithfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, Suzanne. It touched me deeply.
