Last month I wrote about using what we have for God's purposes. Sometimes we have more than we think. Often we are the last to recognize and have confidence in our areas of giftedness, especially when it comes to our spiritual gifts. We are aware of our learned ability…to write, play an instrument, study and learn a certain subject such as a language. But spiritual gifts must be revealed and discerned by the Spirit of God. That is not always as easy for us to comprehend.
However, my thoughts today focus on those things we "have" that are not polished, educated, perfected, or when they are obviously not an asset to our lives and to the Kingdom. What if my life seems overloaded with something that is normally used for destruction, to damage lives?
Today when I look at my heart, I see only things I wish were not there. I see attitudes and feelings that I deem unusable or destructive. The strongest thing in my life right now is anger. I have been walking through a situation that I have no control over. The only thing I can control is my response to the situation, and recently I have not done a good job of that. The situation is wrong according to God’s Word and is hurting people I love. I have spent years dealing with the wrongness of this situation, praying for those involved, and seeking God’s help in allowing me to resond with forgiveness, power and love that only comes from His Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).
The situation has become gradually worse and more painful, until a few months ago, there was a revelation that the depths of depravity were far worse than I had expected. Since that day, I have walked in sadness, sorrow and grief. But my sadness and sorrow have turned to anger.
So, when we face a situation like this, is it possible that even a heart full of anger can be useful? Of course it is. People use anger every day. They use it to destroy reputations, relationships, character, hopes,dreams, confidence, and even lives in some cases.
But I am not talking about destructive “use” of what is in our hands. One reason I am angry is because the situation has had such a destructive impact on lives. I don't want to do the same thing. Is it possible for this strong anger to be used for God’s purposes?
I believe it is possible. I am aware that the possibility of my anger being turned into something productive for the Kingdom of God is totally out of my ability. However, Jesus said that what is impossible for man IS possible for God (Mark 10:27). I am trusting Him to show me, to lead me, to guide me.
In Romans 8:28, God says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” ALL things? What about my anger? Does He really mean ALL things?
If you back up to verse 27, you read, “Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” That tells me that no matter what my thoughts are or what is going on in my life, God Himself knows what is on my mind and He is praying for me, praying God’s will into my life. How amazing is that?
These scriptures are for me because I love God. I have answered His call to give my life to Him, so my desire is for His purposes and His will to be done. He is interceding for "the saints." Saints are not perfect people, but are those who love Him and seek His will in their lives.
Verse 29 shows us part of God’s purpose for His intercession “For who He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son…”
God knew you and me before we were created inside of our mothers (Psalm 139:13-16). And His planned purpose for mankind, from the very beginning of time (Genesis 1:26), was and still is that we will be conformed to His image. God’s plan is for us to be like Him, to have His character and nature of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Galatians 5:22). He desires that so much, that He has promised that if we love Him, then He will use every situation, every possible thing that comes into our lives, for the purpose of making us more like Him.
This past week I have not looked much like Jesus. My anger has been polluted. Some of it is about Him. Much of it is over injustice, wrongness, deception, rejection, lies, and peoples’ unwillingness to do what is right. But some of my anger is about me, about what I want and what I feel. And as a Christian, when I am angry, I then often feel guilty, telling myself that I should not have any negative feelings toward another person.
I know that He has forgiven me. But I want more than forgiveness. I want change. Just as coal, under pressure, can be turned into a diamond, or a grain of sand in an oyster, can become a pearl, I want to see those things in my heart be turned to something valuable. I am putting God to the test; I am holding Him to His word, believing and asking Him to show me how He can use even my anger, my sorrow, and even a wrong situation, for my good and for the good of those I love. I am trusting that as He intercedes for me according to His will, that He will use ALL these THINGS, including my emotions, wrong thoughts, lack of understanding, guilt, hopelessness and even my anger, for my good and use it to conform me to His image.
Another way this can be used for good is for me to pray, pray, pray. I pray for myself, with confession and repentance, and acknowledgement of God's desire and ability to "cleanse me of all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). I pray for all those involved in the situation, including those causing the problems. I pray for people I don't know, across our nation and the world, who are walking through similar situations. I especially pray for those walking through these kinds of difficult situations who do not know Jesus, and are trying to find peace without Him.
I want to know how God sees my heart and what He thinks about my feelings. I want Him to use this to teach me more about Him. I want this situation and my reaction to it to be redeemed and somehow turned to good. I want to defeat the enemy with my prayers and with my coming through this situation in victorious thinking and acting. Through all of this I pray for God to bring me into closer relationship with Him. Only a personal and powerful God can preform such a miracle.
19 Days
10 years ago
I finally got to visit your blog and read about what we've discussed. I know you are battling with a lot but also have to believe that the struggles are God's way of refining us, and in the end, we will be diamonds and pearls. :)XXOO