Monday, June 22, 2009

Another New Beginning

For the past week, since I set up my blog, it has been “write…delete, write…delete, write…delete,” and it was getting frustrating. Yesterday I finally decided to post SOMETHING to break the cycle, but once I did and reread it, I went “blah!”

This morning while I was working in the garden, I asked the Lord what the deal was. Last year I would sit down to write and the words would flow out of me. This morning, He gave me direction which I will share with you in this, my second New Beginning.

Last year, as I was going through treatment for cancer, I was writing for my own benefit. The Lord said this is a new year, I am healed, and I no longer need to write for therapy. He reminded me that He has called me to disciple younger women…and a few spiritual sons. That is what this blog is about. So, if you want to read writing that is practical, Godly, and will help you in your everyday life, then perhaps this blog is for you.

I do NOT have all the answers to life. And I will do my best to back up what I say with scripture, because no one needs just another opinion. I will write mostly from my own experience because that is how I try and test the Word. I want to be a "doer of the Word!"

God sets down principles for wise living and whether you are single or married, those principles can help you to live a fulfilled life.

If you are not a Christian, you may still gain some insights from my writings. God’s principles are always truth and if you apply them, even as a non-Christian, they can open the door to better relationships.

A little background… I am a 62-year-old wife, mother and grandmother. (In the family picture below, I am the older woman on the left and my sweet baboo is the handsome dude with glasses!) I have been married to Charlie for 42 years, which is a true miracle of God’s grace. Number one lesson I learned… Marriage is HARD WORK, but is worth the investment!

I have two children. Both of my daughters are precious young women…and you can see their blogs below (Reflections of a Sheepish Lion and Pop Rocks for Breakfast). They are amazing women despite having me as a mother, as I made many, many mistakes and it seems that I was constantly asking them for forgiveness. You can see our wonderful grandchildren. I love being a Grammy and I enjoy watching their lives as they grow.

I was not raised in a Christian home and did not have a role model I wanted to follow in the area of marriage, parenting or relationships. I knew what kind of family I didn’t want, but had to search for what I did want. I found it. I have had some great teachers. Most of what I found was in the scriptures. I am grateful for the truths of God that make the difference in life.

Charlie and I were a career military family and moved 19 times in 26 years. My oldest daughter was in 9 schools in 12 years and our girls went to high school in Japan. We made many adjustments over the years. There were constant challenges, and many blessings. My husband is now retired from the military, and spends his time working on remodeling our home, rebuilding the barn, keeping me going, repairing tractors, planting a garden, mowing the pastures and ministering to numerous men and women both in our small town, in our church, and in several nations of the world.

That’s the basics, except to say that I am a very ordinary woman who has an extraordinary God. Because of His grace on my life, His Spirit in me, His Word to live by, and His constant presence and fellowship, my life is daily fulfilled and blessed. Even when hard times come, He turns them to good. He is faithful no matter what our life situations are.

So, that’s the new scoop…a blog where I share from my life and that will hopefully help you live a more blessed life, avoid some difficult issues and help you deal with challenges you face. That should be relevant in the present day society in which we live.

The other part of this blog is that if you have a particular situation that I can minister to, please let me know. I’m not “Dear Abby” nor do I want to be, but I can share from my experience – tried and tested. If you need prayer for a situation in your life, I am a prayer warrior, and will pray for you.

So (unless I haven’t heard right and have to have another New Beginning) next time…Lessons Learned!


  1. Suzanne,

    From someone who sees your life up close and personal, I would have to say that you are not simply an “ordinary woman”. I know what you are saying… and understand. But because of the extraordinary God who lives in you, and your yieldedness to Him, I see you as an extraordinary woman who is very real. Your wisdom and insights have blessed my life in tremendous ways. And I am definitely not alone in benefiting from your life experiences and how you have applied the Word of God.

    I am excited about this new avenue of sharing… the “blog”. It wasn’t all that long ago I was trying to figure out what the word “blog” meant! Seriously! (I should have asked a 12 year old!)

    I am thankful to the Lord that through friendship I can share on this journey called life with you… and through your blog, I am privy to even more insights. I look forward to your continued writings.

    Love you,

  2. Ah Suzanne, it ALWAYS amazes me when you write something that confirms what God has already shown me. This time He reminded me that I can always trust you to offer Godly advice - and prayer. Thank you for the many mentoring moments you've given me already! I look forward to the wisdom you will share through your blog - by His grace! Love you!

  3. Hellol Suzanne! Reading your blogs really makes me miss our mentors we had at Metroplex Chapel that walked Ted and I through so much of our marriage. I really miss our mentors.That is one thing I really wish ROG had. We still sometimes get together but they have really busy lives with their grandchildren now. We both came from broken homes and without them we would not have made 25 years of marriage. I love your blogs. It makes me really look at things in a different light. God has given you alot of wisdom and Thank You for sharing it with us younger ladies we greatly appreciate it.

  4. There's not an ordinary cell in your body, and I'd say God used the best of you to create the best of Christie and me. :-) Am excited to see you take on this journey of blogging.... I love it when I can share part of my profession with those I love! What a blessing!
